What is Melanotan II

Melanotan II is a self-administrable peptide (protein) which acts on melanocytes to stimulate the body’s natural production of melanin. Melanin is the substance in skin that produces skin pigment. By increasing melanin production, the skin’s natural pigment becomes darker, or ‘tanned’. Rather than develop a tan by spending excessive hours in harsh, ageing UV rays, by increasing body’s melanin production you are able to achieve that all year round sun-kissed look by adding a biological protection to your skin against damaging UV rays, rather than extensively subjecting your body to them.

How to mix Melanotan II vials

How to Mix and use Melanotan II
Even the most quality product can appear ineffective if not used properly. That’s why it’s crucial to carefully read the instructions for any drug you take, regardless of the intensity of the impact it has on your organism. We have developed a thorough guide on how to use Melanotan 2 to help you get the most out of it and avoid unwanted side-effects. Please, read it carefully to make your treatment safe and resultative.

How to mix MTII vials for both injection and nasal administration.
The product comes in two separate flasks. Their contents should be combined to get one solution. Mixing Melanotan 2 does not take much trouble. However, there are certain rules to follow to ensure the substance works appropriately. Please, take these steps to reap maximum rewards from your treatment:
  1. pull off the blue cap from Melanotan II injection vial  
  2. clean the surfaces of the vials with an alcohol wipe which are included with the kits
  3. take the syringe out of the packaging and push the needle part into the side of the water and fill the syringe with water 1 full syringe is 1ml of water. Do this twice so 2mL of water 
  4. slowly inject water into the vial with MT2, pushing the needle through the centre of the grey cap which was below the yellow cap (there is a circle raised top of the grey cap use this as a guide for the centre, if you feel resistance you may need to place the needle slightly off centre)   see PICS 2 below
  5. Once the needle is in the vial try to aim so  the water goes on  the side of the vial and not directly onto the MT2.  If you are adding another quarter of a syringe 0.25ml repeat the step above. FOR MIXING NASAL REPEAT THIS STEP  USING 2 FULL SYRINGES OF WATER PER VIAL.
  6. carefully roll the Melanotan 2 vials between your fingers to help the Melanotan 2 to dissolve into a solution ( NEVER SHAKE THE VIAL)
  7. once the mixture is ready, put it into the fridge until you are ready to use it
For mixing nasal spray use, use the steps above putting 2 full syringes of water per vial, draw the solution out of both vials and place into the nasal spray bottle (gently).
The mixed Melanotan solution can be stored in a fridge for up to six months. The shelf life of the unmixed product is about 12 months in cool dark place.

How is Melanotan II Administered

Melanotan II is administered either nasally via our nasal insufflation kits where the peptide is absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane linings of the sinuous cavities, or via subcutaneous lipid injection via a small insulin needle into fatty deposits of the stomach, inner thighs or buttocks.

What are the benefits of Melanotan II?

Melanotan II is used primarily for tanning and darkening skin pigmentation. It is also used to produce erections in men with erectile dysfunction (ED), for rosacea, for fibromyalgia, and other conditions

By promoting deep pigmentation via melanin production deep in the skin MT2 helps skin to tan faster and more efficiently, generating a natural defense against UV rays.

MT2 builds natural melanin within your body to deepen skins pigment, meaning the amount of exposure time to UV rays to achieve a deep and dark tan is drastically reduced.

Whilst natural tans fade in a matter of days, particularly over the winter months, MT2 allows you to enjoy a deep warm tan for months with minimal to no UV exposure

What are the side effects?

The most common side effect of Melanotan II is appetite suppression, but it should not be as significant as one might associate with diet or fat loss medications. Nausea and fatigue or a lightheaded feeling can also be somewhat common in some individuals. Such effects may be strong but should clear quickly. Dosing may need to be reduced should such effects occur until a more comfortable level is reached.
The side effects of Melanotan II can also include the darkening of hair, although not significantly.

It may also include the darkening of moles, and in some cases, may be cause to discontinue use. Darkening of moles is the one side effect of Melanotan II an individual would want to keep a close eye on.

At Melanotan II Australia, we are passionate about helping you achieve your desired tan. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best tanning solutions on the market. Whether you're a first-time tanner or a seasoned pro, we have the products and knowledge to help you get the perfect tan every time. With our range of high-quality tanning products, you can confidently achieve a beautiful, natural-looking tan without the harmful effects of sun exposure. Trust Melanotan II Australia for all your tanning needs.

Simplest and most common dosing technique
Each Vial contains 10MCG of freeze dried Melanotan II peptide. Add 1mL of antibacterial injection water to the vial and administer 0.1mL of the dissolved solution on a daily basis until desire color is achieved. Once desired level of skin pigmentation is achieved, continue to administer 0.1ML (1MCG) of Melanotan II peptide on a weekly basis. Due to potential nausea which can be a common side effect, some users prefer to administer Melanotan II at night, before going to bed.
If you find the side effects to be too significant, you can add more injection water in the peptide vial and admo0inister half pe a quarter dose until your system builds up a tolerance and side effects are manageable.
Tolerance & Adjustment Dosage (Days 1-3)
Begin with 100mcg each day (0.1mL for needle administration) to build up a tolerance to the compound and to introduce the peptide into your system at a controlled rate, in order to minimise any potential side effects. This beginning dosage protocol will minimise any potential nausea.
Beginning (Day 4-7)
After initial 3 day adjustment dosage, the body will be able to tolerate an increased dosage with minimal side effects. At this stage, you should start to see slightly darker skin pigmentation even without any UV exposure. The dosage for this period is 250mcg each day (0.25mL for needle administration) and this slow build-up of Melanotan II in your system will help prevent any freckles and areas of skin hyper-pigmentation.
Loading Method #1 (Day 8-21)
At this stage you should have a gauge on how your body metabolises Melanotan and you should see a noticeable increase in skin pigmentation, even without UV exposure. With UV exposure the skin will tan at a highly accelerated rate, resulting in a healthy, glowing summer tan. If you are happy at the current rate of increased skin pigmentation, continue use at this dosage on a daily basis. Alternatively, a dose of up to 500mcg/ED (0.5mL via needle administration) could be used if you want to get darker and are liking what you see so far, while also you feel little side effects.
Loading Method #2 (Day 8-21)
Melanotan II results can be rapidly accelerated and made more effective via the use of environmental tanning, such as the use of sun rays or sun beds. A dose of 250mcg-300mcg each day 30mins before sunlight exposure and another 250mcg-300mcg dose should be taken immediately after sunlight exposure to enhance your tan. Ensure you use moisturizer post-tan. On non-tanning days, administer a single dose of 250mcg-300mcg.
Loading Method #3 (Day 8-21)
This method is the most conservative of the 3 and requires a dose of 100mcg every second day. Results will be gradual over a long period of time.
Melanotan Dosage Maintenance (Weekly)
Once desired level is reached and all you want to do now is maintain it, a weekly dose is required. Administer 500mcg each week, This can be split up into 2 individual dosages to prevent any sides.


Each nasal spray will administer approximately 40 sprays when filled with 4mL of injection water.
Administer 2 sprays ln a daily basis until desired colour is reached. To maintain, adiminister 2 sprays on a weekly basis.
If initial side effects are too significant, daily dose can be lowered to a single spray daily until your system becomes familiar with having the peptide in your system. When side effects subdue increase to 2 sprays a day.
2 sprays will administer 1MCG of peptide.

Please deposit payment to Account name: Melanotan ii Australia BSB: 013 711 Account: 162965747

  • Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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